vrijdag 23 december 2016
Te Koop / For Sale: WAW272 eWAW (SOLD)
Bullitt cargo bike with Fietser.be e-assist
zaterdag 17 december 2016
Swiss WAW 1.97m, carbon, Supernova
Julien is now riding his Extra Long carbon WAW back to Switzerland. We fit the beautiful Supernova e-bike light instead of the normal Busch & Müller high beam. The foot hole was cut out further to the front to fit his size 47 shoes. Julien will make a custom aero foot hole cover.
The difference in height against the Quattrovelo is a little exaggerated in this photo as the QV is standing higher. The cruising light is the top one, high beam is the lower SuperNova. Its light beam is impressively powerful and well shaped.
Julien's mascot, on top of WAW316. Not called "Orange Carrot" but 'Le Suppo de Satan' which has the double meaning of a bigot in french. As we rode home to my place, the first yell was "What the F*ck!", which was less practical. Second was "Suppo?!", so that will probably stick.
Long tail with nicely integrated tail light and brake light.
The foot hole was cut out 12 cm to accommodate large foot size ('pointure' in french sounds so much more refined, doesn't it?). Also see the mixed carbon-kevlar fiber, just like in the old times of WAW1. This way we can add some crash protection to an otherwise full carbon WAW.
dinsdag 13 december 2016
New wind deflector
We have been testing out iterations of a new system to keep your (cycling) glasses as dry as possible. The new wind deflector is put forward of the canopy and fixed with industrial suction cups. At speed, it guides wind and rain drops over the line of sight.
Riding through pouring rain with nothing in between you and the horizon, and to see the droplets 'magically' be yanked up above your head is... awesome. It does a good job keeping the wind out of your eyes and off your head, while the canopy keeps your head warm, so you don't have to wear silly hats anymore. Anything for the street credibility of velomobiles.
On nonWAWs
vrijdag 2 december 2016
zondag 18 september 2016
dinsdag 6 september 2016
Uit de oude doos
Een sympathisant stuurde deze fotomontage door. De velo is Tina (Waw010), inclusief de honorabele Dries Callebaut, onze nationale Fietstechnoloog en medestichter van Fietser.be.
zaterdag 3 september 2016
donderdag 1 september 2016
donderdag 25 augustus 2016
dinsdag 2 augustus 2016
Nieuw telefoonnummer / New phone number
Het vaste nummer +32 9 330 49 12 is in transit en zal binnen een paar dagen terug actief zijn. Dit nummer wordt doorgeschakeld naar één van de mobiele lijnen.
Natuurlijk kan u indien noodzakelijk nog steeds terecht op Brechts privénummer +32 476 / 238 000.
The shop has a new direct phone line at +32 468 / 10 10 13 (Wednesdays to Fridays).
The land line +32 9 330 49 12 is in between providers and will be active in a few days. This line redirects to one of the mobile lines so it can take a few seconds.
Of course you can still reach me on my private phone at +32 476 238 000.
Groeten, Regards,
zaterdag 16 juli 2016
2016 Holidays
Wij gaan er even tussenuit tot 3 augustus.
Meanwhile enjoy your Future Fueled Freedom:
dinsdag 7 juni 2016
Fietscongres Gent
A joint venture with University Leuven / campus Ghent is emerging, to develop a new solarvelo based on our eWAW.
In 2013 a solar WAW was disqualified for speeding (!) on the Suntrip race to Kazachstan ( http://www.solarbiketour.com). Participating again would be nice, setting things straight.
woensdag 4 mei 2016
Prijslijst update: WAW Configurator 2016
Prijzen blijven globaal gelijk: 5.450 € exBTW voor de basisWAW, 6.595 € BTWin.
Er zijn een paar nieuwe, of toch minder bekende opties:
- Actieve luchtvering achteraan
- Neus met gestroomlijnde schijnwerpers
- De instelbare winddeflector
- 3 x 10 versnellingen ipv. 3 x 9
- USB-lader op boordelektriciteitsnet
Om uw hoogstpersoonlijke WAW Configurator aan te maken maakt u een kopietje (Mijn bestanden > Een kopie maken...) of stuur een emailtje.
Een printervriendelijke WAW Configurator 2016 NL Compact.pdf kan u hier dowloaden.
dinsdag 26 april 2016
Terug van Spezi: een koepel voor de Quattrovelo en een luchtvering voor de WAW.
De dertiende keer Spezi? Deze keer was ik er niet zelf aan het werk dus kon ik het wat rustiger aan doen.
Persoonlijke hoogtepunten:
- Stephane van Katanga presenteerde de nieuwe luchtvering op de WAW. Ze blijkt zeer goed te werken. Ik schrijf er nog wel eens een artikel over wanneer we de eerste exemplaren in Gent hebben en langduriger kunnen uittesten.
Ik denk dat vooral de eWAW met deze luchtvering over de concurrentie springt en aan de top komt van de functionele fietsen, in het goede gezelschap van de:
- Quattrovelo. Allert sculpteerde een prachtige koepel, en presenteerde alvast de plug. Dit wordt een uitstekende vierseizoenenfiets. Je kan de QV trouwens nu al voorbestellen bij Fietser: onderdak tegen de herfst.
- Kabelsturing / drive by wire blijkt nu eindelijk door te breken, en wel in de bakfietsen. Dat doet mijn ontwerpershart deugd: als zoiets sociotechnisch kan doorbreken worden de mogelijkheden voor ons weer een stuk ruimer.
dinsdag 5 april 2016
Aramid fiber / Crash protection: the sequel
It's been a bit frustrating at times to build speed bikes for road use and then see the majority buy machines designed for the races. Ha! Sometimes fate throws you an occasion to prove your point.
At the very moment I was writing the former blog post about an aramid fibre crash protection zone on an ultralight carbon velomobile, something amazing happened:
Yes that's the same WAW284, on it's maiden trip... According to the owner, he was out on his first try-out ride, on a remote cycle path, accelerating to well over 40 km/h, when he noticed a horse had started running alongside. Then suddenly the horse was in front or on top of him. It isn't exactly clear what happened but considering the damage on top of the nose, canopy AND the top of the tail he must have scooped up the horse and it must have rolled on top of the WAW from front to back.
The rider was completely unharmed. So was the horse. The owner was soon found and well covered. The carbon tail was scattered and a total loss. The aramid fibre cover and canopy had minor damage, the right cover hinge was bent. We don't know exactly how large the load exercised by the horse was, but any amount of horse is better taken by a roof than a head. The bulk of the shock was absorbed, as it should, by the shock absorbing nose, which had crumpled like a well behaved crumple zone would.
The really astonishing thing was that after the accident, the rider just popped out the nose again with his foot, to this result:
The above picture was sent to me by another customer the day after. I couldn't believe it myself. Later on the WAW came in and we just exchanged the cover hinge, some white tape was applied to the mirror cap and the small damage to the left wheel well. Otherwise the carbon semi-monocoque of the WAW was undamaged. While a new nose, tail, cover, wheel cap and cover are on order from CZ, the owner has been doing his 45 km commute every day since, without further incidents.